Some reports say five and others say up to six times people have fainted in Obama’s political rallies. You tube is showing several of the incidents and bloggers are sliding off into two camps about the matter. Progressives are offering explanations about standing in long lines, weather conditions and exhaustion.
Conservatives are not convinced and on The Amboy Times February 16, 2008 online, one blog excerpt says “A Wall Street Journal writer, James Taranto, has uncovered a hilarious and puzzling coincidence at 5 different Sen. Obama campaign speeches over the last few months, including the recent speech in Seattle. Dori and listeners have found one other Sen. Obama incident posted on YouTube where a person near the stage faints. Sen. Obama responds to each incident with the same routine and phrases.”
We have seen the frenzy at Obama’s gatherings and now we have the fainting but the newest addition to the impervious image of the Dem’s Golden Boy is the clichéd firewall he is heard repeating after every criticism or question put before him. His applauded reply when asked even the hardest questions is “it’s not about… it’s about America.
Even his opponents have to admit as verbal devices employed in political rhetoric go, it is without parallel. Who can fight it, who dares say otherwise? Silence is all that is left to the naysayer. Or is it?
Sen. Obama can make all the promises he wants to the reality is that all we have to go on to date is his record as a US Senator. It is that record that speaks not just the loudest but the most accurately. Barack Obama is at the very least someone who is true to himself and what he believes. This is the reason conservatives are cringing at the prospect of some four to eight years with Barack Obama at the helm of the most powerful yet teetering nation on the globe.
Without getting excessively philosophical it is the “true believer” that can do either the most good or the most harm for any nation. We are not talking about belief in the gospel or the Bible but belief in his own vision for the United States.
Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Stalin were all true believers. Nero, Antiochus Epiphanies and Caligula were all true believers. No I am not putting Barack Obama on a scale with these people. What I am doing is reminding the wise of the efficacy contained in the old adage that “sincerity is no substitute for the truth.”
Before a single word can be said about visions it does well to remember that most democrats, liberals or frenzied supporters of the Obama campaign will never read a single word of the criticism of Mr. Obama’s vision. The New York Times won’t rush to quote anything here and the Washington Post may as well be on Saturn. In fact, although it is purely subjective and hard to prove I would say that at least some of the conservative rags, blogs and online sites seem to be increasingly on the defensive if not squeamish about hard anti Obama rhetoric. It is hard to tell if they are being civil or if they have been dazzled a bit themselves.
Rather than being silenced, embarrassed or ashamed by Obama’s “It’s about America” retort to questions raised to him, it would be a simple matter of doing our homework. It indeed is “about America” and the difference that the conservatives see for America and the vision of Sen. Obama is the argument. His record is the evidence that his argument is faulty. Rather than being an effective firewall against all other ideas Obama’s very words are the answer to his argument.
What does Sen. Obama see for America? It is no secret that Sen. Obama’s voting record on abortion issues and gay issues is what makes his vision for America frightening. Martin Luther King may have had a dream but this African American is proposing a nightmare.
Not even conversion experiences can balance the inequity of Barack’s vision for America. Both Christianity Today and Belief net have questioned him and reprinted his apparent encounter with God. In his interview with Dan Gilgoff on Belief net, when asked if he had a conversion experience or if he was born again he replied with “It wasn't an epiphany. I didn't “fall out,” as they say in the black church. It was an emotional and spiritual progression, as well as an intellectual one. And it didn't happen overnight. What happened was that I felt drawn to the message of Jesus Christ and the power of the church to fortify people in their spiritual journeys. And, you know, in my heart, at least, I felt God's spirit beckoning me. So ultimately, as I write in [“The Audacity of Hope”], I submitted myself to his will, dedicated myself to discovering his truths.”
If this could be considered a conversion experience and it is as Barack says “a progression” that began when he submitted himself to his will,” can we expect the Senator to come to the conclusion that God was quite serious when he said homosexuality is an abomination and the killing of the unborn comes under the most disdained of all human behavior in Gods eyes, namely the shedding of innocent blood? (Jeremiah 22:3)
Should someone close to the Senator tell him that being drawn to a message is no more of a conversion experience than fainting at a political meeting? But even if it should be, all conversion experiences are open to the acid test of obedience. Christ tells everyone who claims to have an experience with him the same thing. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Mt. 7:21)
In a published statement about his vote against a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage Obama said in a press release June 7, 2006 from his office “I personally believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. But I also agree with most Americans, including Vice President Cheney and over 2,000 religious leaders of all different beliefs that decisions about marriage should be left to the states as they always have been.”
Vice Presidents and 2000 religious leaders are not the people we should be listening to about what a marriage is. It is the God who created us that has the last word here and not any one of the fifty states of this country. God has not relinquished his authority to state legislators and candidate Obama has no right or theological premise by which he can pass the buck to them.
Mr. Obama has stated on numerous occasions that we must depend on the responsibility of pregnant women to make the hard decision about whether to abort or not. 50 million abortions later isn’t it about time we admit that these women have taken the path of least resistance and not the hard road to personal responsibility? Marriage and abortion are matters not ever passed over by God to kings, prophets, judges or legislatures.
Yes, it is about America Senator Obama and your idea of what changes we need for our future will help to fulfill the dark prophecies of eschatology as found in the Bible. America could take a different stand as she always has. She could stand in the gap and be counted as one nation that won’t go the way of all flesh. This is more than an election time it is the very valley of decision for America.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. (Joel 3:14)
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